El Daein
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East Darfur
El Daein

عبدالباسط محمد ادم
East Darfur, El Daein
Current: سمسار in مجموعة الضعين للسيارات
6-10 YearsHigh School CertificateCommunicationLeadership

الفاضل سعيد
East Darfur, El Daein
Current: تكنولوجي in الضعين
NewbieLiterate with no CertificateEmail usage knowledge

Accounting & Finance
عثمان حسن
East Darfur, El Daein
Current: sudan in USA
NewbieHigh School CertificateCommunication

ابتهاج عبدالله احمد محمد
East Darfur, El Daein
NewbieBachelors DegreeComputer skills

Technicians & Craftsmen
mazin adam
East Darfur, El Daein
Production Worker
1-2 YearsLiterate with no CertificateMulti-tasking
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Writing & Translation
حمدان احمد معلا
East Darfur, El Daein
Project Manager
NewbieHigh School CertificateCommunication

عبدالهادي يعقوب
East Darfur, El Daein
Digital Marketing Specialist
NewbieBachelors DegreeMulti-tasking
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Administrative Support
Abubakr AlSiddiq
Red Sea, Port Sudan
Human Resource Officer
NewbieBachelors DegreeCommunicationLeadershipTeamworkInterpersonalFast LearnerAdaptabilitySelf-managementProblem-solvingWillingness to learnMulti-taskingBusiness CorrespondenceProject ManagementTelephone conversationsConducting presentations

إخلاص معاويه
Northern Sudan, Delgo
1-2 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsInterpersonalTeamworkFast LearnerCommunicationAdaptabilityProblem-solvingWillingness to learn

Accounting & Finance
عبداللطيف حسين علي داؤد أبكر
Red Sea, Port Sudan
Current: عبداللطيف in شركة الكل
1-2 YearsLiterate with no CertificateTeamwork

Human Resources
سولارا حميدة الحاج محجوب
Red Sea, Port Sudan
Current: ادارة التخطيط والبحوث in هيئة الموانئ البحرية
1-2 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsLeadershipInterpersonalCommunicationFast LearnerAdaptabilitySelf-managementWillingness to learnMulti-taskingTelephone conversations

Guards & Security
موسي محمد ادم
Al-Jazirah, Wad Madani
Current: فني حاسوب in شرطه الجوازات والهجره
6-10 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsTeamworkInterpersonalFast LearnerAdaptabilitySelf-managementWillingness to learnMulti-taskingBusiness CorrespondenceProject ManagementInternet SearchConducting presentationsEmail usage knowledgeStaff Motivation

ahmed fadul
Khartoum, Omdurman
Mechanical Engineer
1-2 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsLeadershipTeamworkInterpersonalFast LearnerAdaptabilitySelf-managementProblem-solving

المقداد محمد الحسن سليمان
Khartoum, Al-Manshiya
Mechanical Engineer
1-2 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsLeadershipCommunicationTeamworkInterpersonalFast LearnerAdaptabilitySelf-managementProblem-solving

Human Resources
أحمد الصديق إبراهيم حامد حامد
White Nile, Rabak
Human Resource Officer
NewbieBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunicationTeamworkInterpersonalAdaptabilityProblem-solving

Hassan Mohamed
Khartoum, Sharq Al-Nile
Trainee Lawyer
1-2 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunicationTeamworkInterpersonalFast LearnerAdaptabilityProblem-solvingWillingness to learnMulti-taskingNegotiationProject ManagementContracts PreparationTelephone conversationsFinding & Attracting ClientsInternet SearchConducting presentationsCreativeTraining & DevelopmentDocuments AuditEmail usage knowledgeWorking with DatabasesStaff MotivationMS Word
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