Small Kitchen Appliances for Sale in Khartoum



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Small Kitchen Appliances
 Electric Cookers for sale in Khartoum
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Electric Cookers for sale in Khartoum

Electric Cookers , New

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Khartoum, Omdurman
icon phone09665317XX
49,000 SDG

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LG 9 - 10 Kg Washing Machines in Khartoum
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LG 9 - 10 Kg Washing Machines in Khartoum

Washing Machines , LG , 9 - 10 Kg , Used

Khartoum, Omdurman
icon phone09225019XX
300,000 SDG
LG Refrigerators in Khartoum
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LG Refrigerators in Khartoum

Refrigerators , LG , Used

Khartoum, Omdurman
icon phone09909055XX
550,000 SDG
Other Refrigerators in Khartoum
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Other Refrigerators in Khartoum

Refrigerators , Other , Used

Khartoum, Omdurman
icon phone09909055XX
200,000 SDG
Other Ovens in Khartoum
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Other Ovens in Khartoum

Ovens , Other , New

Khartoum, Omdurman
icon phone09909055XX
1,300,000 SDG
*الجديد وصل اسعار منافسه للسوق*   متر المطبخ 370  فوق وتحت بالرخام  شامل التوصيل والتركيب
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*الجديد وصل اسعار منافسه للسوق* متر المطبخ 370 فوق وتحت بالرخام شامل التوصيل والتركيب

Kitchens , New

icon exportDelivery
Khartoum, Omdurman
icon phone09909055XX
370,000 SDG
قطاعه سامبوكسه يدويه 2في1 افردي واقطعي في نفس الوقت مريحة تعملي بيها م
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قطاعه سامبوكسه يدويه 2في1 افردي واقطعي في نفس الوقت مريحة تعملي بيها م

Kitchen Pots - Dishes , New

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Khartoum, Abu Hamama
icon phone09950393XX
7,000 SDG
Super General Freezers in Red Sea
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Super General Freezers in Red Sea

Freezers , Super General , 250 - 299 Liters , New

icon exportDelivery
Red Sea, Port Sudan
icon phone01129285XX
695,000 SDG
Other 9 - 10 Kg Washing Machines in Red Sea
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Other 9 - 10 Kg Washing Machines in Red Sea

Washing Machines , Other , 9 - 10 Kg , New

icon exportDelivery
Red Sea, Port Sudan
icon phone01110164XX
490,000 SDG
اواني منزليه عمود
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اواني منزليه عمود

Kitchen Pots - Dishes , New

icon exportDelivery
Khartoum, Omdurman
icon phone01260280XX
40,000 SDG

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