Loan Calculator in Sudan

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Bank of Khartoum

Bank of Khartoum

Bank of Khartoum, is a Sudanese public shareholding company, established in 1913 in Khartoum, and as such is the oldest bank in Sudan, with a budget of about 2 billion US dollars, and it is one of the leading banks in the field of Islamic banking services, as it offers its customers a comprehensive and wide range One of the innovative products and services that are compatible with the provisions of Islamic sharia, through the largest network of branches in Sudan, which reached 150 branches and more than 325 ATMs, distributed in all Sudanese states.

Most Asked Questions about Bank of Khartoum Calculator

  • What types of services does the Bank of Khartoum provide?

    Bank of Khartoum provides services for new cars, used cars, building houses, home improvements, land purchases, and personal and ready apartments.
  • Can I know my monthly payments using the calculator?

    You can use the Bank of Khartoum calculator to calculate your monthly payments.
  • Is using the calculator free?

    Yes, you can use the calculator for free.
  • Does your use of the calculator mean you provide the service?

    No, using the calculator does not mean submitting a request to benefit from the service.